Mar 28, 2025

WP ’78 Cadet Character Education Program

To All:

I’m forwarding the feedback and “lessons learned” from the 1978 50-Year Class Affiliation (hereafter the “affiliates) following our participation in the “Giving and Receiving Feedback” session.  Doug Bowman and Mike Belter (D-1), Mike Berendt (F-1), Ron Hall (H-1), and Adam Reich (I-1) provided their observations, and I have forwarded them with minimal editing.  I’ve also incorporated my experience in helping to coordinate participation with the First Regiment Team.  I’m sharing this email more broadly both to share these perspectives and seek additional input. Kindly forward as you deem appropriate as we seek to ensure success and enhance the impact of the Cadet Character Education Program (CCEP) and the list of interested parties continues to grow!

A point of administration - the next session on “Stewardship” is scheduled for April 2nd.  Thank you to Dr. Erbe for providing the presentation and lesson plan, which I have distributed to the First Regiment participants.  As noted below, we will have classmates present at USMA for this session.  

All of the participation from the 1978 classmate affiliates was performed virtually, and there were no significant problems with the technology.  One concern was that the field of vision of the camera was limited, so there was no way to “read the room.”  We intend on having several classmates attend in person for the Stewardship lesson on April 2nd.  It will be interesting to compare and contrast those experiences.

The coordination was a bit rushed due to the short time frame before the Giving and Receiving Feedback lesson, however the Company Tactical Officers (CTOs) and Company Tactical Non-Commissioned Officers (CTNCOs), the Regimental XO, and Dr,. Erbe stepped up and provided the instructional materials in advance.  MAJ Grady coordinated two TEAMS sessions to help with introductions, fielded questions from the 1978 affiliates, and set the stage for success.  The CTOs and CTNCOs made us feel welcome and appreciated.

In some cases, we had more than one classmate participate. I believe that it is important to “build the bench” as we establish relationships with the cadets.  One role of the affiliates is to serve as a point of continuity, as the current CTOs and CTNOCs will most likely move onto their next assignments before the Class of 2028 graduates.  The 1978 affiliates still have active lives with commitments as well, and may not be able to make all of the sessions.  They are also a group with differing life experiences, both in and out of the Army, and that diversity of perspectives will benefit the cadets.

There was a bit of scrambling to match 1978 affiliates with companies in First Regiment, but it all worked out before the session.  As stated above, building strong and redundant relationships between the affiliates and the CTOs will enhance a more effective, direct and decentralized approach to preparation and participation.  Many thanks and kudos to the flexibility of all involved.

Given this was a first attempt, and we were learning as we went along, this went surprisingly well. For D-1, rather than have all the interested classmates involved in the run up, I was the primary POC and just kept those whose schedules would allow participation informed of the pertinent info. Once specific classmates were confirmed to support the class, the Tac was provided their contact info and bio. Information from USCC about the content of the class (Team meeting and subsequent emails from the Tac) were great and sufficient to allow for our preparation. I will note that I received multiple copies of the class material from different sources, but better to over communicate than under communicate. For D-1 specifically, CPT Reagan provided a few directed questions to us the day prior. This was a great mechanism to focus our responses in areas he best thought pertinent to the material and also allowed us to be better prepared with appropriate examples from our backgrounds. Communication on connectivity to join the class was timely and worked as expected. Both Mike and I joined early so there was no delay in getting the class started on time.

By design, all of the CTOs injected their own experiences and personalities into the session - highly positive. Leveraging of the 1978 differed, but given this was a first attempt, the efforts were viewed as positive. Company specific feedback is provided below:

D-1 (Doug Bowman and Mike Belter)
The CTO (CPT David Reagan) provided time for the 50 Year Affiliates, able to emphasize some key teaching points using stories from their experiences, both military and civilian. Time management was a bit of a challenge,  suggesting some minor modifications to the process could be made. Cadets were offered an opportunity to ask questions, and we responded to the one that was offered. We appreciated working with CPT Reagan and observed the cadets as engaged and articulate, again impressing us with their maturity and discipline.

CPT Reagan did a great job of integrating our support into the conduct of the class. He introduced us, based on bios we provided ahead of time, at the start of class, after which we observed the presentation and exercises. Once the core material was covered, he used direct questioning of both of us to allow us to provide examples from our careers that emphasized various points. I would suggest that this is the most effective way we can support these classes given the limited time. The hardest part of this exercise was time management. We did not have sufficient time to address all the questions that CPT Reagan had prepared for us (good in that we were over prepared), particularly since he gave both Mike and I each an opportunity to answer each question he asked. This suggests that, when multiple classmates are supporting a class, that asking different questions of each may allow for more material to be covered vs two experiences highlighting the same point. That choice is best left to the TAC in terms of what is appropriate for their cadets. It also suggests that we shouldn’t have more than two classmates supporting any class. This provides a backup in case of a last minute issue but also assures we value our time and everyone feels like they contributed. On the other side of the time management issue, we need to be cognizant of the class time and, while our stories and experiences are great, we need to be efficient in telling them (e.g. just some contextual background, SHORT version of what happened, why it mattered to us).

At the end of the class, cadets were given an opportunity to ask us questions. There appeared to be some hesitancy to do this (although we did get one question), but this was more likely due to the fact we were out of time and this was the afternoon of the Friday before Plebe-Parent Weekend! Not exactly an environment conducive to extending the discussion. I certainly would not have as a plebe.

F-1 (Mike Berendt)
CPT Marusa conducted an excellent discussion on Giving and Receiving feedback,  He has an exceptional rapport with the 4th Class, and his sharing of lessons learned from his experience were spot on.  I particularly appreciated the opportunity to participate, share my experience as a plebe, and interact with our Army’s future leaders.  Hopefully, they will understand that as much as the world has changed in the last 50 years, the pursuits of good leadership and followership remain constant.

H-1 (Ron Hall)
I participated in the class on MS Teams.  The H-1 cadets and SFC Hamer, the TAC NCO, were present at a classroom in Thayer Hall.  The cadets did their routine at the beginning of the class, then I was introduced.  I did not speak directly about “ Giving and Receiving Feedback,” instead they were more interested in some of my personal experiences in life after USMA, both in the Army and afterward.  I told them that honor and the 12 virtues of character are not always easy to recognize, and in many cases come as a complete surprise.  I said that the events of life are all unique to each, and every one of us, the events that surprise us could come from a peer, a superior or a subordinate. Once you have been challenged or confronted, it’s not easy to think about the 12 virtues, but you must draw upon your heart, your mind and the years you spent at West Point becoming who you are at the time.  I told them a few particular stories, one that occurred while I was a cadet and a story about a specific event in the Army that led me to the extremely difficult decision to resign from the Army.  I won’t go into the details of these experiences but they both involved superiors appointed above me.  In both cases however, I needed to rely on my knowledge, education and an internal gauge I developed growing up and with 4 years of West Point which involved more than academics, the Army or honor teachings.  We are all impacted by the environment and the people we come in contact with, not as a group, more individually. The cadets listened intently and asked some very good questions.

I-1 (Adam Reich)
I thought the I-1 CCEP session went well. The session began on time utilizing MS TEAMS to connect me into the room with the TAC Officer, TAC NCO and I-1 Cadets from the Class of ‘28. The TAC, MAJ Houghton had provided my MIL BIO to the Cadets as a Pre-session introduction. He then asked me to provide introductory remarks and I focused on our 50 YAP role in supporting the CCE sessions. The TAC Officer and NCO, then worked through the POI and the Cadets were well engaged. I did lose audio for a couple of minutes when a video was played, otherwise, the Tech worked for me being remote.  I then received questions from the TAC NCO as well as four Cadets and I related my experience both giving and receiving feedback as an Infantry Platoon Leader in the 101st and how that shaped my development. I was asked to give some closing remarks, where I focused on the Army’s core values as the azimuth in my career.

The session concluded in approximately 1 hour.

Prior to the session the I-1 TAC and I exchanged a couple of emails to ensure that  I was familiar with the POI and where I thought I could best enhance the session. In person participation would have been better in working the room.

The feedback indicates the 50-Year Affiliation Class participation is viewed as valuable by all participants.  Given the short lead time for preparation, the CTOs did a great job of integrating the Old Grads into the session.  As we move forward, we should use the summer months to allow for more seamless and relevant integrations into the lessons.  Our shared experiences will change as the Class of 2028 undergo the transformation from cadethood to officership. Where applicable, our learning how the 1978 participation can support staffing transitions at USMA can enhance continuity.

Many thanks again to MAJ Grady, the CTOs/CTNCOs and Dr. Erbe.  

‘78 Proud and Great!  -  ‘28 No Calling Too Great!

Howard Lazarus

1 March 2025

WP ’78 Character Development Initiative

The Class of 1978 is undertaking a Character Development Initiative for the Class of 2028 alongside our 50-YAP. While this is outside the formal scope of the 50-YAP sanctioned by AOG, we have received approval from AOG, USMA leadership, the Simon Center for the Professional Military Ethic (SCPME), and the Brigade Tactical Department (BTD) to move forward with this plan.

Among other things, the SCPME is responsible for developing the four-year Cadet Character Development Program. The portion of that curriculum executed by the BTD is the Cadet Character Education Program (CCEP) which, during the Cadet’s first two years, is taught by Company Tactical Officers/NCOs during regularly scheduled Commandant’s Hours.

The CCEP is designed to cultivate leaders of character by reinforcing Army Values and the West Point Leader Development System (WPLDS). The subject matter of CCEP includes the Cadet Honor Code, Honor System, West Point values, Army values, and personal virtues essential to Army professionals.  Upcoming sessions focus on critical topics—such as Giving and Receiving Feedback, Stewardship, and Honor—and integrates reflective discussion with real-world examples. The BTD’s overarching goal is to help cadets internalize these concepts so they can live honorably, lead honorably, and demonstrate excellence in their future Army careers.

In support of the BTD, our main role is to supplement and enrich the "Commandants’ Hour" discussions. We can:

  1. Provide context by sharing personal experiences that illustrate the lesson’s learning objectives.
  2. Help facilitate breakout discussions or large-group Q&A sessions.
  3. Offer perspectives on how the lesson topic applies throughout a military career, reinforcing why character development is a Continuous Process.

Our Class Regimental POCs are listed at the end of this message and currently are in the process of connecting our Company POCs with their counterpart Company Tactical Officers. Our first engagement(s) could take place in March and will be followed by at least one scheduled Commandant’s Hour in April and May. For the balance of this semester, in addition to adding value to individual Company sessions, we want to build trusting relationships with the BTD, share best practices, and be postured to engage in the Class of 2028’s entire CCEP experience in the 2025-26 academic year. In addition, a key CCEP event for the Class of 2028 is the “Inspiration to Serve” Cemetery Tour and Pre-Affirmation Reflection, sponsored by, and in which, the SCPME supports our participation.

If you are interested in participating in this Character Development Initiative, please contact Neal Anderson at or 571-274-9010, or your Regimental POC (listed below). Regardless of whether you choose to take part in this program, you’re encouraged to read Character Carved in Stone by Pat Williams. This book was mandatory reading for ’28 before R-Day and could serve as a common reference point for developing meaningful relationships with members of ’28. 

Class of ’78 Regimental Representatives

1st Regiment: Howard Lazarus

Status Update:
Our class’s participation in the Cadet Character Education Program (CCEP) has kicked off.  Company Representatives are making contact and coordinating with the Tactical Officers.  First Regiment conducted a familiarization TEAMS call on February 24th with a second call scheduled for March 5th.  The upcoming sessions for Plebe year are Giving and Receiving Feedback (March 14th), Stewardship (April 2nd or 7th), and April 30th (Honor During Cadet Summer Training & Leave). We’ve had multiple classmates from some companies wishing to participate, which builds both depth of resources and diversity of experiences. 

This program is still evolving, and in addition to sharing our perspectives from our days as cadets and junior officers we can help share the content.  An added benefit of our participation is that we will be able to follow the Class of 2028 through the next 3.5 years - providing a source of continuity as the current Tactical Officers move onto their next assignments and new Tac’s arrive.  As usual the Proud and Great class is blazing new trails for those who follow.  Please reach out to your Company or Regimental coordinators if you would like to join in.

2nd Regiment: Stu Dyer

Status Update:

  • Conducted initial call with the 2d Reg RTO, COL Christina Fanitzi, and RTX, MAJ Matt Spaziante on February 14th.  RTO and RTX are excited to have our support.
  • Sent note to 1978 2d Reg Co representatives to identify Company POCs to align with the 2d Reg TACs to support CCEP instruction. 
  • To date, 3 classmates have agreed to support the 2rd Reg CCEP instructional efforts.  Still working to confirm the other 6 names.  
  • All CCEP occurs during CMDT Hr.- 1245-1400ET. Matt recommends the CL78 Reps work directly with TAC to receive/go over the materials.
  • Key Dates:
    • 14MAR, Friday: CCEP #13, Giving and Receiving Feedback
    • 07APR, Monday: CCEP #17, Stewardship
    • 30APR, Wednesday: CCEP#18, Honor During CST & Leave. Primary Instructors will be 2CL CDTs.

3rd Regiment: George Adamakos

Status Update: 

’78 Company Representatives are in the process of linking up with their Tactical Officers.

4th Regiment Jon Miller -

Status Update: 

In contact with RXO, organizing meeting for ’78 Company Reps

Support Group: