50-YAP Status Update Letter from Jim Hoffman & Reese Delorey

50 Year Affiliation Program
We are pleased to share that our Class continues to exceed expectations in its support of the 50-Year Affiliation Program (50-YAP).
Completed Events to date:
- USMAPS R-Day & Class of 2024 Graduation - Class Lead: Dave Rich
- R-Day Reception & New Cadet Oath Ceremony - Class Lead: Billy Harner
- Grad March Back - Class Leaders: Bill Moeller and Steven Anderson
- Acceptance Day - Class Lead Bob Rogers
Visit our Class Website to read related 50-YAP After Action Reports (AAR) and view the vast array of photographs in the Gallery.
The next two 50-YAP Main Events are:
- Class Crest Unveiling Ceremony, scheduled to take place on March 15th, 2025. Sanford Holman and Pete & Susan Eshbach will be joining the Class of 2028 Plebe Class in the Mess Hall for the official unveiling of the Class of 2028 Crest. It will be a special event for Pete as he had a heavy hand in designing our Class of 1978 Crest. They will get to dine with the Class of 2028 leadership team, then join the Class of 2028 down at Ike Hall for dancing afterwards.
- Yearling Flag Ceremony, (July 2025). Our Class will present the new Yearling Class with its set of Class Colors at the end of Cadet Field Training in June. The flag stays with the Class until graduation. The Class lead for this event is Jim Hoffman. Joining Jim will be Les Szabolchi, Pat Landry, and Roe Phillips.
Billy Harner is responsible for our participation at the various Main Events Please feel free to reach out to Billy (william.harner@gmail.com or 864 322-3279) should you have an interest in participating. Please note that Billy and Steve Aude have been active in recruiting individuals to participate in the class so the specific event you are targeting may not be available. That said, Billy does maintain a standby list as we have had cancellations and replacements have been required.
We would be remiss if we did not acknowledge the positive feedback and visibility our Class has received as a result of our level of engagement and commitment to the 50-YAP. The feedback is at all levels, cadets, cadre, parents, grandparents, faculty and the Academy leadership. Not only has the Class shown up in formidable numbers at all of the events, its engagements have been material…..content rich…..leveraging the diverse array of experiences with the Academy, the Army, careers in industry, life, etc. Our efforts are being valued; so much that the Academy has embraced our activities above and beyond the WPAOG Core 50-YAP.
Three such Proud & Great initiatives that are (currently) outside the ‘official’ 50-YAP WPAOG structure are:
- Class of 2028/1978 Corps Squad Affiliation - Class Lead: Chuck D’Amico
- Class of 2028 Character Education Program (CCEP) - Class Lead: Neal Anderson. (Stay tuned for further information regarding this initiative).
- Placing articles of interest by '78 grads in the Class of 2028 Newsletter - Class Lead: Billy Harner
As noted, these programs are outside the WPAOG 50-YAP core activities but have been well received, and who knows, they may even become core. Be on the look out for subsequent communications with additional details about each of these efforts.
We cannot overemphasize how inspired we are for our Class's efforts to “pay it forward”…..to make a difference in the lives of our young cadets. We extend a hearty congratulations for a job well done. We expect nothing less of our future endeavors.
Proud and Great!
Jim Hoffman
50-Year Affiliation Committee Chair
Reese Delorey
50-Year Affiliation Program Manager