Terrance E. Jedrziewski

Terrance E. Jedrziewski

Terry came to West Point with only one thing in mind and that was to excel. And he did. An “Engineer,” Terry also knew how to have a good time. TJ’s travel s as a cadet ranged from skiing in Colorado to the French Riviera. He really could tell stories.
- Howitzer '78
  • Ski Patrol 3,2,1 (CIC 1)
  • Ski Instructor 2,1
  • Ski Club 4,3,2,1
  • SCUBA Diving Club 4,3,2,1
  • Kayak Slalom Team 2, 1
  • Orienteering Team 1
  • Catholic Chapel Choir 4,3
  • Track 4
  • Goat-Engineer Football 2
  • Outdoor Sportsmen’s Club 4,3,2
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