Robert P. Mallory
Robert is the exception to all exceptions. Not only does he spin a good tune, but he can also chop through some pretty steep moguls. Whatever the case may be, Robert will always be known as a “closet hive” who never failed to pass “the poop” to friend in need.
- Howitzer '78
- WKDT 4,3,2,1
- Rugby 1
- Contemporary Affairs 4,3,2,1

Major Robert P. Mallory
3 November 1955 - 22 February 1993
Major Robert P. Mallory was born on 3 November 1955 in Stuttgart, Germany. He graduated from Harrison High School in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Upon graduation, he was appointed to West Point, thus beginning his military career. He graduated in 1978 and was commissioned as a Quartermaster Officer. His first assignment was at Fort Lee, Virginia. MAJ Mallory was then assigned to the 4th Supply and Transportation Battalion, Fort Carson, Colorado, where he served as a Platoon Leader and Battalion S-4. In 1980, MAJ Mallory returned to West Point to work in Project Outreach for minority recruitment. He believed West Point could give kids a chance to do something with their lives; a chance they might not otherwise have. MAJ Mallory's next assignment was Torri Station, Okinawa, where he served as the Property Book Officer. After his promotion to Captain, he took command of the Headquarters and Service Company (HSC). It was during his time in Okinawa that MAJ Mallory became interested in helicopters and decided to become a pilot. He graduated from the Rotary Wing Aviator School at Fort Rucker, Alabama, in November 1983 and completed the AH-1 Qualification Course in January 1984.

MAJ Mallory’s first assignment as an aviator was at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, with Charlie Company, 229th Assault Helicopter Battalion, 101st Aviation Group, where he served as the Support Platoon Leader, Attack Platoon Leader, and Assistant S-4. He received his Master of Science degree in Systems Management from the University of Southern California in 1984. MAJ Mallory joined the 160th Special Operations Aviation Group (Airborne) in 1985, serving as the Assistant Group S-4 and, later, as the Group’s Headquarters Support Company Commander.
In July 1988, MAJ Mallory was assigned to the Pentagon in the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans. He was promoted to Major during this assignment. In 1992, he graduated from Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Following that graduation, he returned to the 160th SOAG, where he served as the Group S-4.
MAJ Mallory's awards and decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal (w/1 OLC), Army Commendation Medal (w/3 OLC), Army Achievement Medal (w/1 OLC), National Defense Service Medal, Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal, Army Service Ribbon, Overseas Service Ribbon, Parachutist Badge, Army Aviator Badge, Pathfinder Badge, Air Assault Badge, and the Army Staff Identification Badge. He was posthumously awarded the Legion of Merit.
MAJ Mallory died on 22 February 1993 when his MH-6 helicopter crashed in Ohio. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; sons, Robert and Nicholas; and daughter, Lauren. He is laid to rest in Denver, Colorado at Fort Logan National Cemetery, Section 3, Site 1335.