Dwight S. Story

Dwight S. Story

Veleria Story

To the love of my life,

A year has passed since you transitioned to your heavenly home. I think about you every day. Some days are full of smiles and some are full of tears - but in each day, I thank God for bringing you into my life. You were all about Family, and the beauty of that was how you not only talked the talk, but you walked the walk. Life isn't, and never will be the same without you, but as your Family, we are striving to do those things that we know would make you proud. Forever in our hearts.

Your wife.

David Rich

When one such as Dwight crosses the river, all who remain are diminished. He was a bright light, a joyous smile, a playful heart, and forever USMAPS74 / USMA78 brother. Until we cross and see you again...we'll hold you close to heart, in our prayers, and your example in our lives.

Jim Burgess

Dear Story Family,

I was shocked to hear this about Dwight today. I worked with Dwight at Bellsouth from 1999 to 2006. Dwight was a mentor and friend and always a smile on his face. Nothing seemed to phase him or get him rattled. He was funny and jovial and I absolutely loved working with Dwight. He had a special ability to connect with people and genuinely cared. We spoke daily for 7 years at Bellsouth and over time didn't communicate as often when I left Bellsouth. And when I say talk, we talked!!! I listened mostly because he loved talking and I enjoyed every minute. Many of our conversations should have taken 5 minutes, but often, an hour later, it was all fun and games. We had so many laughs. I wanted you all to know how wonderful and well-respected Dwight was to everyone he came in contact. I had lunch with a prior co-worker today and asked if he'd heard from Dwight, so shared the news with me about his passing. I was saddened.

What an amazing man! Prayers, well wishes and best to you all. Take Care, Jim

Kevin Eitel

I am sorry to hear of Dwight's passing... I will celebrate his life, and fond remembrances of him as a fellow Cadet, and filming/photographing him as a football player at West Point. He will be missed.

Wilhelmina Williams

My prayers go out to the Story family. Dwight was the Class of 73 President. He was truly a strong, dedicated leader. Dwight will be missed. He is not gone for good. He has just moved to a new home that will stand strong forever and where we shall see him again. God bless you.

Fred Orr

Dwight's smile lit up the room and he always made you feel welcome. I know he is doing the same up in Heaven. I have fond memories of just being around Dwight. He was a great classmate. My thoughts and prayers are with your family and friends during this time.

Tom McWhorter

Dwight was always a calming presence and a great example of what we should all strive to be. Remember well the night Dwight, Gary Winton, Lee Jourdan and I went to the WAR concert in NYC...great time! He will be remembered by the many "brothers" he had. Be Thou at PEACE! Prayers and healing to his family

Leamon Hall

My thoughts and prayers are with the Story family during this difficult time. I have such fond memories of Dwight as an Army Football team mate at both the Prep School and West Point. He was such a kind, soft spoken gentleman with an infectious smile. Be thou at peace.

Darryl Washington

I was blessed to have known Dwight on both a professional and personal level. BellSouth provided the platform for me to have the honor and privilege of meeting Dwight. On a professional level he was a true mentor and role model. He always made time to hear my questions and concerns. But more importantly he always provided me with knowledge and understanding. Personally, I got to know Dwight through the love we both shared of basketball, football and youth athletics. Our friendship went to another level when he educated me on the art of fantasy football.

I'm blessed God gave me an opportunity to have him in my life as a friend, colleague and mentor !!!

Vaughn Vasconcellos

A humble and personable individual - we met at USMAPS and always remember his larger than life smile. Aloha Dwight.

Darryl Mobley

I met Dwight when I was a 17 year old plebe at West Point. He was a fun and steady presence for me. May God's grace comfort the Story family as Dwight makes his bunk in heaven.

Kevn Stump

I will always fondly remember our days in Charlie Company at the prep school and later at West Point. A true friend who loved his Birmingham. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Story family in this time of sorrow. The Stump family.

Vance Herrell

A fine example of what we should be, he will always be a true "Gentleman". A quiet spirit that spoke loudly through his actions. We are praying for the family, In Jesus's Name be comforted.

Andy Tedesco

Dwight was a wonderful guy. Remember him very fondly from our days at West Point. Sad to hear of his passing. My prayers will be with his entire family. May God grant you all peace and comfort.

Jack Faires

Be thou at peace, Dwight.

Manuel Hernandez 

It is always a sad day when we lose one of our own. May God strengthen and bless the Story family during this time of sadness. In Christ, Manuel JF Hernandez, '78

Kirk Boothe

Rest in Peace brother. USMA 1978

Bill Maloney

May God grant you comfort during this time. I have great memories of Dwight from our time at West Point. Great man!

Randall Henson

I was sad to hear of Dwight's passing. It was a pleasure to have known him while at West Point. My most sincere condolences to his family and many friends. Always "Proud and Great"

Curt Alitz

I am sad to hear of Dwight's passing. He was an inspiration to me at West Point and I have thought of him often since. May God's comfort be with his family and friends.

Max Hall

My thoughts and prayers are with your family. Remember him, and honor him. Proud and Great '78

Bobby Knight

God Bless Dwight and his family. Classmate 1978

Wayne White

I am a classmate of Dwight's from West Point. He was a lot of fun to be around. I remember he was a huge Marvin Gaye fan back in the day. A great guy. I am so sorry to hear he is no longer with us. My sincere sympathy to all of his loving family.

Kevin Jackson

Dwight and I and Kevin Stump and deceased George Dunaway held every sprint relay record at West Point prep. I ran the second leg on the relays and he ran the third leg. We never dropped the baton. We always had the race won by the time he handed it off. A dear friend.

John Thomas

Sad to hear the passing of one or our "brothers of different mothers" as we call our West Point classmates. I pray God will comfort Dwight's family and friends.

COL(R) Carl Owens, US Army

May the Lord watch over the Story Family during this time of sorrow. It was a Blessing to have Dwight as a friend during and after our years at West Point.

Horace Baldwin

With a heavy heart and deepest sympathy, I offer my sincere condolences to the Story family. As a classmate and friend, Dwight was a true leader. RIP my brother.

USMAPS March 1974 Dwight working off some demerits; Jim "Nudge" Nagy in background
Dwight Story headed to USMAPS Track Meet 1974

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