Feb 2, 2024

Vanguard Connection Event (VCE)


The Vanguard Connection, 2 and 3 February, is the next event on 50 YAP calendar. I have the lead for the Vanguard Connection Event (VCE), and I want to share the information we have to determine any other interest in participating.  The VCE seeks to “strengthen Bonds between former and current Cadet Candidates, inspire CCs to complete their 57-month journey, and increase cadet candidate retention.”

VCE will begin with a dinner Friday evening at Ike Hall with the USMAPS leadership, CCs, and other panel members.  Saturday will be three panels with a mix of Staff and Faculty, TACs, and Cadets providing their input, experiences and advice regarding the topics listed below:

1. Purpose and Why Do/Did You Serve - What brought you to serve, how did that adjust over time and what kept you going?
2. The West Point Advantage - Influence on personal growth, opportunities (military and civilian)
3. Family and Work/Life Balance - Relationships, effect of service on personal life, Career opportunities

Any participation on the panels would be appreciated by USMAPS as many of us would offer the full cycle perspective (CC through retirement).  (I don’t think too many of us were thinking retirement while we were CCs.  That would have been visionary!)

Please let me know about any interest in participating.  We would be limited to only 2 places per panel, and you would only sit with one panel and not rotate.  If you wish to come and observe, that would be fine also.  I understand that February is not a prime travel period to West Point, but if you are interested, please let me know by 16 January so I can provide your name to the USMAPS S3.  Dinner will be about $45 and refreshments for Saturday will be about $10.

Proud and Great,

Flip Brandli

VCE After Action Report - 11 February 2024