Jul 1, 2024

1978 Proud and Great Prayer Warriors

July 1, 2024

Welcome all parents of New Cadets from the Class of 2028!

We are members of the Class of 1978 who entered West Point on R-Day 50 years ago, this July. Our Class will serve as the Affiliate Class to the Class of 2028 for the next 47 months. As mentors we look forward to working together to make the journey for your son or daughter a success. To the extent that they wish to participate, we will volunteer, help, support, and encourage your West Pointer, at every turn of his or her Cadet career.

West Point is a school for soldiers. It always has been. Your family is now personally invested in seeing your adult son or daughter become a graduate of West Point. In so doing, for all Cadets who desire to have spiritual encouragement in their lives while at the academy, the 1978 Proud and Great Prayer Warriors volunteer group (from all over the U.S.) is also invested in their success AND available to you and yours.

As Isaiah 41:10 says: “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I willstrengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

• Executive Leadership - Jim Hoffman (215) 375-8431 jhoffman@veteransbridgehome.org

• Communication - Steve Marts (501) 722-2067 stevemarts2015@yahoo.com

• Ethics - Neal Anderson (571) 274-9010 NealAnderson@Verizon.net

• Strategic Plan - Al Aycock (910) 303-8809 al.t.aycock@gmail.com

• Prayer and Worship

o Kevin Jackson kevjackusa@gmail.com

o Peter Lyon peterlyon78@gmail.com

o Steve Marts stevemarts2015@yahoo.com

o Denny Mansfield Me@DennisMansfield.com

• Baptist Student Ministries, Leroy Hurt Leroy.T.Hurt@gmail.com

• USMA Chaplain Coordination, Randy Hill HikerHill@gmail.com

• Catholic Ministries, Manny Hernandez mhernandez6@kc.rr.com

• Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Chip Braungart, chipshot678@gmail.com

• Navigators, Peter Martini peter.martini.phd@outlook.com

• Officers Christian Fellowship (OCF)

o Keith Sellen SellenKl@charter.net

o Nate Pulliam NatePulliam@gmail.com

Here’s how it works:

• Starting last October, our purely volunteer and informal group of Christian Classmates has been praying for your adult children as they prepare to enter into West Point. We will continue to do so for the next four years.

• We have prepared a list of faith organizations, clubs, and contacts that are available for your Cadet to access, starting now.

• Church of Christ Faith Congregation. Religious Club: Church of Christ.

• Eastern Orthodox Faith Congregation.

• Jewish Faith Congregation. Religious Clubs: Jewish Chapel Group, Hillel, Jewish Chapel Choir.

• Roman Catholic Faith Congregation. Religious Clubs: Catholic Cadet, Catechists, Cadet Catholic Choir

• Latter Day Saints Faith Congregation. Religious Club: Latter Day Saints Student Association.

• Lutheran Faith Congregation.• Muslim Faith Congregation. Religious Club. Muslim Cadet Association.

• Protestant Faith Congregations: Traditional, Contemporary, Blended, & Gospel.

• Religious Clubs Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship (Assemblies of God), Church of Christ, Gospel Choir, Navigators (Interdenominational), Protestant Chapel Choir.

• The Proud & Great Prayer Warriors stand ready to meet with all New Cadets by email or in person, if applicable, and we will encourage them throughout their time at West Point. This may also involve our participation in several events at the Academy, in the local churches, or in retreat settings in and around West Point. Christian history at West Point.

Here’s a unique fact that is at the heart of our Class’s Prayer Warrior involvement with the Class of2028: The song, Jesus Loves Me, This I Know, was written by the two Warner sisters who lived on Constitution Island across the Hudson River from West Point from the 1860’s to 1915. This little song is now known world-wide. Initially, it was sung only by West Point Cadets in their Bible studies with the two ladies at the Academy. Cadet Dwight D. Eisenhower attended these Bible studies.

The Class of ’78’s Prayer Warriors will carry on a form of mentoring and discipleship as we remind the Class of ’28’s interested members that:

Jesus Loves me, this I know
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak but He is strong
Yes, Jesus loves me…

t’s not easy at West Point to keep your faith-focus on God. But like the song reminds us, it IS simple.

All the best,

The Class of ’78 Proud and Great Prayer Warriors

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